Above is an image taken from a math lesson I completed with my kindergarten students. I used a smart board and had students create a t-chart of who liked jelly beans and who did not like jelly beans. Each students was given a post it note to writ their name on. The students placed their post it note on either side of the t-chart. As a class we reviewed the results. I was able to use technology to teach a math concept. The smart board allowed the students to interact with the lesson. The student's also were able to record results using technology.
All students have different learning styles. When teaching students we must create lessons that are suited for each learning style. When teaching math when can integrate it with other subjects to develop a more meaningful lesson. Using art and and technology when teaching math allows students the opportunity to learn using other learning methods and techniques. Teaching math with art and technology provide additional resources for your students. Students use hands on experiences and are engaged in their own learning.
click here for additional information about teaching with technology and art
click here for a list of helpful websites on teaching math with art and technology
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